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Anonymize the data

Some businesses may require to protect their data specially the PHI (Protected Health Information) for HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Compliance. Protect and de-identify the final result of the data with our newly introduced Data Anonymizing Feature.

Different replacement techniques can be applied to anonymize the data.

Anonymize using Asterisk

Using this technique, values on all matching fields are replaced by asterisk (“*”)

Remove or Clear Data

Values on all matching fields are cleared and replaced by empty

Hashing Data

Values on matching fields are hashed with sha246 algorithm

Encrypting Data

Values on matching fields are encrypted with provided secret key

Replacing with Fake Data

Values on matching fields are replaced with fake data. User has to provide the keys for replacing specific field.

Anonymizing Data is implemented from View Data on Flow Editor. To utilize this feature, Add “View Data Operation” in the flow.

Click on the “Settings” icon to view the final fields in the flow as well as add anonymizing data.

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